Top 7 - The Best Free Copywriting Course for 2021

Do you want to know the real secret to generating life-changing online income...?

It's a copywriting.

Being able to write sales copy that converts strangers into customers is the key to online success.

Now, I do recommend that beginners invest in copywriting software before buying an expensive copy-course, but the truth is you still need to build the skills...

These free trainings listed below will help you do just that while allowing you to invest in your business more intelligently.

Remember, Copywriting skills can take years to truly master, and it is a worthy area of study.

And these 7 free copywriting courses will all help you to improve your copy as long as you put in the time required to master the skill.


Let's get started...

Copywriting Skills: A Need, Not A Want

copywriting skills

The secret to writing high converting sales copy is the ability to be consistently compelling.

Writing words in your copy that can get your audience to buy your products, leave them intrigues by your personal story, and get real, valuable connections with them.

The best way to learn and get better at copywriting is to practice. Start writing sales pages, watch how other businesses write their ads, and when you see something truly brilliant, think about what stood out to you, and make a note.

Practice Can Improve How You Write, But It Doesn’t Always Make Perfect

Along with practice, you need to get the knowledge, and guidance from some of the truly brilliant copy writers in this world to learn from.

There are plenty of free copywriting courses that you can use to completely revitalize your copy. Here’s a list of my top choices for free copy courses that you can use to become a master at copy:

John Carlton’s Simple Writing System

simple writing system

As one satisfied reviewer puts it, this course is basically “free money”.

Carlton, an experienced copywriter who describes himself as “the most ripped-off copy writer on the web” does not simply focus on writing basics in his free course – Carlton will guide you through the most lucrative forms of content and copywriting, from Facebook ads to video scripts...

He is the real deal.

In this free course (that you must get!) Carlton teaches you how to tell a story that entertains and sells!

Which is exactly what's working best for me right now...

The Boron Letters

the boron letters

Not every author is willing to give away their books for free, but then again, not every author is Gary Halbert.

Anyone can learn to get better at copywriting using Halbert’s amazing book, but a quick Google search will only show you pricey e-books and print copies from major retailers like Amazon.

But Wait, I Thought These Were "Free" Courses

Fortunately, I was able to get every chapter available 100% for free... and I urge you to get his copy training now!

It’s great to get some light but powerful reading at your disposal for a rainy Sunday afternoon, and even better when that reading is free–but the best feeling is knowing that a few hours of reading can help boost your copywriting and your overall business for years to come.



In school, there always seemed to be a divide between two types of students:

  • Those who were good at writing...
  • And those who thrived in math and science courses.

CopyHackers challenges the notion that you cannot succeed at both by breaking the act of copywriting down into formulas.

At first glance, the sheer amount of information you get from CopyHackers offers will look overwhelming. The best way to approach this learning tool is to take a deep breath, begin with your first tutorial, and strive to complete a new one each day (or as often as you can).

Have patience...

By the time you get through it all, effective writing will be as simple as following the right formulas.

The Unbounce Landing Page Course

unbounce landing page course

If you already have some familiarity with copywriting, and simply want to get better and very specialized writing, this course might be right for you.

As the title suggests, this copywriting course is all about mastering the landing page. Ultimately, the landing page can be tricky.

How will you know...?

  • What type of images to use?
  • How to structure the page in general?
  • How many words to use?
  • What goes best "above the fold?"
  • How will you track conversions?

You don’t want it to read like an obvious ad–but you do want every click to count, and every visitor to stick around after finding your site. With Unbounce’s data-backed methods, you can rest assured knowing that you’re making a great first impression (and learning the ropes on content marketing).

Landing Pages & Your Business

In terms of your landing pages, this copywriter course may be your best option. If you can spend a few hours to bring your opt in rate from 25% up to 50% then you've just doubled the amount of leads you're bringing in each day.

Also! (Pending everything else is working well in your funnel) You will have doubled your sales as well!

Scientific Advertising

scientific advertising

They’ve got advertising down to a science.

The Scientific Advertising free course is perfect for the entrepreneurs out there who feel like copywriting might not be for them because they aren’t “naturally creative”.

The Blinking Cursor Of Doom

Has this ever happened to you?

  • You sit down to write.
  • You open up YouTube.
  • You get distracted.
  • You check facebook.
  • And zero writing actually gets done!

It can be daunting to sit in front of a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Copywriting is both an art and a science. This takes the more scientific approach first and gradually introduces some more of the artistic consents.

Having a framework to build things out is super helpful. Taking things part by part and step by step can be really beneficial.




CXL promises a quick course, and that's exactly what they provide.

Depending on how fast you can read and take notes, you can power through this copywriting mini-course in just a couple hours and come away with information that marketing experts have taken years to gather.

Not a bad return on investment for just a small amount of your time.

Again, take notes...

It may be best to give yourself a few mini copywriting homework assignments from this one.

  • Watch about 20 to 30 minutes
  • Pause the video
  • Then write out a few examples of what you just learned
  • Take more notes
  • Then repeat the process

Again I can't stress this enough. You wont be able to just watch an hour long course and then suddenly craft rock star sales copy from day one. It takes months if not years of practice to get really good at sales copy.

Kahn Academy: Pixar In A Box

Kahn academy

No matter how old we get, we’ll never truly outgrow our love for Pixar.

Without (completely) killing the magic of our favorite feel-good films, this will help you learn the basics of effective storytelling writing copy through analysis of Pixar movies.

Storytelling is key...

But the truth is when you master storytelling in your marketing, everything shifts to simple.

But by the end of this free easy-to-understand copy course, you’ll understand how the stories you already know and love can assist you in creating engaging copy that will help creates a genuine connection with your audience.

BONUS: Evolving SEO Podcast with Pamela Wilson

evolving seo podcast

If you love to learn, you might still be hungry for and need more knowledge even after trying your hand at all these courses. This free intriguing podcast can provide further insights and help into the craft of copywriting.

Where It All Fits In

We all have strengths, weaknesses and skills when it comes to running and growing our business. Some of us are lucky enough to be a tech wiz or have the infectious personality needed to become a customer service genius.

Don’t listen to the people who aren't entrepreneurs or own a business. With the right help, attitude and high-quality training, every skill that can easily make money can be learned.

Strong abilities in copy lay the foundation for success online. Everything from your social media following, blog readership, email open rates, sales in a sales funnel and more can and will improve once you sharpen up your copywriting.

About The Money Side of Things

Copywriting is an important skill to develop that can make a massive difference in your sales.

But if copywriting is something you feel you’re not good at, no biggie - there are dozens of courses out there to bring out the master copywriter in you! I also have a post on how to write catchy titles and headlines that you can check out for baller ideas!

I hope you've found a free copywriting course from the above list that will work for you.

Start Reading Other People's Successful Ads

Look online or pick up a book about successful ads. You'll learn TONS just by reading what other people have done. Even older ads by Ogilvy that were run in newspapers are still very reliant today! Granted the products may not be, but the overall principles from the copywriting are.

After reading a ton of ads you'll start to notice certain patters. You're literally rewiring your brain for success. You'll see common themes and elements arise.

How many of the ads had a question in the first few lines of copy? How many ads included testimonials? How many ads told a story? This is just a small list of the things you'll notice.

Do The Research

As you continue on your personal copywriting training, you'll want to research what your competitors are doing... Or at least research what style of ads other people are writing in a similar niche to yours.

Granted if you sell baseball bats, you might not be able to discover examples of very many ads run specifically about baseball bats. However, there are for sure plenty of examples out there on sports equipment.

Think outside the box...

Here are some examples:

  • Soccer balls
  • Swim gear
  • Golf clubs
  • Hiking boots
  • Or even running shorts

If you can get 3 or 4 good examples of ads to mimic in your own copywriting then you may have just hit pay dirt.

But the problem remains... How do you actually find these ads? How can you tell if they are actually high-performing ads or not?

One Easy Resource Is The Facebook Ads Library

Search for industry specific products and you'll find a few ad accounts to look through.

Once you do this (and here's the biggest tip) scroll to the bottom!

You can see how long people have been running ads for! If you can find a few decent looking ads that have been running for more than 3 or 4 months then you might just have a winner you can mimic.

But be warned...

This process will take you a few hours.

  • Sorting
  • Scrolling
  • Checking the dates of when it wash published
  • Finding another set of ads to comb through
  • Wash and repeat

It can be tedious. I promise however, the time you spend will only aid you in learning copywriting even more. Again, you'll start to see patterns emerge...

You'll find a TON of ads that have been running for only a month or less. 95% of those ads are all junk. However, if you find a few that have been up for a few months... I promise. Those ones will look way different because they are much better.

Write A Few Ads Of Your Own

By now you've exposed yourself to a good deal of copywriting and hopefully a free copywriting course or two. Now it's the moment to take what you've learned and become a writer.

Write a few drafts of your own ad by mimicking the other successful ads you've found. Naturally, you want to swap out 99% of the words for your own.

Just Keep The General Framework Intact

They make a big bold promise in the headline - so will you...

They ask a rhetorical question - so will you...

They have 3 to 5 bullet point that highlights the benefits of their product - so will you...

Aim to go through this process a few different times with a few different ads. Eventually you'll write one that's ready to test with social media ads.

Test It Out

Your ad may sing... Your ad may flop...

You really won't know until you get to test it out. However, I am willing to bet that the new ad you've decided to run will out perform most of your older ads.

By now you're probably writing more compelling headlines and have a better understanding for overall feel. You hopefully have a better understanding of what people you are trying to target.

A Word Split Testing And Headlines In Copywriting

The number 1 thing that will get people to read your ad is the headline...

Which sounds better to you?

  • "37-Year-Old Dad Finds The Secret Baseball Bat Grip To Help Double His Son's Home Runs!"


  • "We've Just Got A New Cool Baseball Bat In Stock!"

I bet you're going to want to read the 1st one...

You Must Write A Compelling Headline

Remember, if your copywriting headline doesn't rock then the rest of your ad might as well be gibberish.

You MUST pull people in with compelling headline copywriting. No one is going to want your baseball bat, access to your video, or learn how to double their home runs if you fall flat in the very beginning!

This is why you need to split test your copy writing headlines.

Split Testing For Higher Conversions

The A/B split testing feature inside the Facebook ads manager is a wonderfully simple tool for this.

What matters most is what comes before that "See more" text. That's the area to split test your copywriting.

Here would be a good thing test if someone was opting in to learn about the basics of hitting in baseball.

  • Version A: "Baseball Coach Shares 3 Fundamentals To Start Getting Hits - On Opening Day!"
  • Version B: "The Secret To A Higher Hitting Percentage Lay In 3 Simple Steps"

Who know's which one will do better? We can make guesses all day long, but until we test, we wont understand for sure...

All the copywriter courses out there will tell you the same thing...

Let the people you target decide which ad variation is better.

Is The Overall Offer Good?

This may be backtracking a lot, but you've got to be sure your offer is good. As in... is it compelling enough?

Make sure that sure offer is providing them with unrivalled value. For example, if you are selling a marketing membership, give them lifetime access to your membership for 50% off, and maybe 30 minutes of your personal time with a coaching call etc.

How It Positioned?

How you position our offer matters a lot as well. People want to feel like they are getting a really sweet deal. What other types of free bonus could you offer? How about access for free month? What about 30 minutes of your own personal time to help your students learn even more... Make the offer mouthwatering!


Have a look at my recommended free copywriting courses and tell me which one works best for you! I would love to hear your thoughts, so comment down below or maybe even add a couple more to my copywriting list if you have a few in mind!