Not Crushing It Online Yet???

Discover How to Build A Sales Funnel Empire
So You Can Make Money Like the Pros … 

Even If You’re Just Starting from Scratch!

NEW Masterclass Reveals My Proven Tactics

For Creating a Kickass Sales Funnels 

That Convert Leads & Customers on Autopilot.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I know you’ve heard plenty of stories about people who’ve struck it rich online.

Sure, becoming an Internet millionaire sounds  promising…

Yet, unfortunately, most people discover that the reality of selling online is far different than what they’ve been led to believe.

Rather than rolling in easy money, you’re usually forced to hustle hard for every dollar, as you …

… struggle to get ranked on the first page of Google

 … spend way too much money on customer acquisition

 … and sometimes, are even forced to sell stuff at rock-bottom prices to make sales.

It can be really frustrating … especially when you don’t know how to turn things around.

After all, you know there’s plenty of money to be made on the Internet … you just don’t know how to get it out of Amazon’s hands -- and into your own!

If what I’ve described sounds familiar to you, it’s not your fault.

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been taught the wrong stuff about how to make money online.

And without the right information, you’ll always be struggling to make a buck.

So, what’s the secret to making money online?

The Secret to Making Money Online

Is a Great Sales Funnel

What Is a Sales Funnel 

A great sales funnel is the easiest, fastest way to generate sales, profits, and yep, cold hard cash …  without spending a fortune on customer acquisition.

By contrast, if you don’t have a great sales funnel, it’s next-to-impossible to get online sales.

That’s because just building a website and hoping customers will find you online doesn’t work anymore.


Because it can take a year just to get on the first page of Google, let alone rank #1!

And here’s another tough truth …

You can’t expect customers to buy from you the first time they hear about your product.

As a result, you’re faced with a daunting challenge …

How do you keep prospects interested, build trust, and ultimately convert them into paying customers … without blowing your advertising budget?

You do it by creating a sales funnel.

What Is a Sales Funnel 

And Why Are They So Freaking Effective???

A sales funnel is like a blueprint that maps out how you’ll get customers from point A (“brand awareness”) to point B (“purchase”) … while maximizing your sales and profits along the way.

To show you why they work so well, take a look at this sales funnel that some marketers (myself included) like to use:

1.     A Marketer Creates a Powerful Lead Magnet to Attract Leads

Oftentimes, marketers do this by driving traffic to a landing page that offers a freebie—like a downloadable report, eBook, or template that’ll appeal to their prospects.

 2.     Prospects “Opt-In” for the Freebie

Prospects have to provide their email address to get the freebie. This allows marketers to email them until they’re ready to buy a product, ultimately guiding them over time to make a purchase.

 3.     Customers Are Presented with Upsells & Order Bumps

During the checkout process, the sales funnel gets customers to spend more by suggesting a complementary product or a similar one that’s more expensive …

 4.     Repeat Purchases Are Encouraged

Once customers have made a purchase,  a well-designed sales funnel continually nurtures that relationship, so future sales can be made … for far less money than it would cost to acquire a new customer.

Although many online marketers get their funnel all wrong, if you do it correctly, it’s an incredibly effective way to sell way more -- without coming across as pushy or aggressive.

Think of it like this …

When you don’t have a good sales funnel, it's like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded … sure, you may eventually find your way out, but it’ll be frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive! 

A good sales funnel, on the other hand, is like navigating that same maze, blinders off, with a clear map and directions to guide you. 

You'll know exactly where to go and what steps to take to sell way more than ever before.

In fact, a great sales funnel is the absolute only way you can create a highly profitable online business in today’s competitive Internet landscape.

Let me show you why that is with some really simple math …

How a Kickass Sales Funnel 

Can Help You Scale Your Business Like Crazy

To build a successful Internet business, you have to make more money from your customers than you spend on acquisition costs.

That’s the only way to win.

I mean, think about it … if you spend $1 on traffic and only get $1 back from your customers, you’ll never get ahead.

But, if you can spend $1 on traffic—and get $2 back from your customers—you’ve basically created the world’s best ATM machine!

And mind you, you can turn around and spend that $2 buying more traffic … creating a massive email list of people you can market offers to for years to come.

Talk about an incredible asset! 

Folks, that’s what a great sales funnel does for you … which is why creating one is critical to your online success.

Unfortunately, I Learned 

 About Sales Funnels the Hard Way

For years, my wife and I were on the blogging treadmill …

In fact, between 2009 - 2013, we posted close to 1,000 blog posts.

Yet for all our efforts, we were making just $3,000/month … 

And when we calculated what that broke down to …

We realized we were earning just pennies per hour!

It was so discouraging.

To make matters worse, we were living as cheaply as we could, and we didn’t really love that either.

But everything changed after I took my first sales funnel course.

Within 6 months of taking that course, my wife and I were making $10K/month.

And within a year, we were making $30K/month!

Now, we’re making over $1 million per year through the magic of sales funnels … which as you can imagine, feels pretty freaking amazing.

Plus, as a result of our success, we have way more time to do the stuff we love, like spend time on the lake, garden, go camping, and road-trip in our camper van.

I want that same freedom for you, because I know how much it’s going to  improve your quality of life.

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about my NEW masterclass …

Introducing The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass is designed for people like you … 

People who want to make more money online but don’t know how to go about it AND don’t want to waste years of time and thousands of dollars trying to figure it all out on their own.

In The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass, I guide you step-by-step through the entire process of creating a money-making sales funnel.

So, by the time you’ve reached the end of the course, you’ll have learned all of my secret strategies for grow ing a business from a start-up … into a million dollar company.

And by the way, when I say all, I mean ALL

This is the most comprehensive course I’ve created to date, and it’s based on everything I’ve learned in the last 20 years as an online marketer.

Even better, although The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass was initially offered live …

Due to overwhelming demand, I’m making The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass course available here (at a massive discount!) to those who weren’t able to participate live.

What Students Are Saying...

Miles single-handedly increased my business revenue by 75% and my sales jumped an extra $100k. Before Miles' help in 2020, I gained 39,795 subscribers. After Miles' framework in 2021, I gained a whopping 131,945 subscribers! That's a 300% increase in email subscribers!

- Matt Giovanisci

Miles, with your help, we've been able to grow our list by over 1200 - 1500+ subscribers each month consistently (on both of our brands). Prior to that, we were only getting ~500 subs on a good month. We also implemented your one-time-offer strategy, and after a few optimizations, they convert at 2-3% and bring in 20-40 new customers each month.

- The White Coat Trainer

Miles, thanks to your conversion help, we are now growing our email list by about 2k new leads each month and are currently at a 1.7% rate on our OTO and a 47% conversion rate on our one-click upsell. This one funnel has made everything else easier and more fun!

- Josh L.

Miles, with your help, I've now been able to grow my list to over 21,000 subscribers and counting. Using your ATM model and adding a high-converting OTO immediately after optin and making offers steadily throughout the year to my list sprinkled in with lots of value has been a financial game changer, and I'll never have a boss again. Your honesty and clarity routinely demystify the path to online success. Thank you!

- Nicole H.

Miles, thanks for all your help... With the help of some fundamental concepts and granular tactics, you taught me... I've grown my email list to 30k with over 40% open rates. You deliver the goods without the fluff, and I appreciate you for it.

- Stephen H.

Miles, with your invaluable help, I completely transformed my business! I more than doubled my income and significantly decreased my workload the first year I implemented your system. Everything became more streamlined, automated, and largely residual-based, thanks to you!!!

- Bridget N.

Why You’ll LOVE 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

Consider this …

There are really only 4 factors that cause a business to grow:

  • The number of new leads you get
  • The number of new customers you convert
  • The average order value for each sale you make
  • The number of purchases each customer makes (AKA your lifetime value)

Now if you can double one or more of those factors, you can grow your business exponentially.

Makes sense, right?

If you can find a way to get more leads to your site, you’re going to increase the number of people who buy from you.


And if you get people to spend more money or to buy more often, your business is going to grow.

In my course, I show you tons of tactics for doubling each of these business growth factors, so you can earn way more money online, easier than ever before.

That’s why with the information I reveal, YOU’LL be able to acquire more leads, convert more customers, increase sales, and enjoy higher profit margins.

So, Let Me Tell You More About

What You’ll Get With 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

The course consists of 16 videos, divided into 8 different modules.

With every module, you'll get access to a comprehensive 2-hour video training on a specific topic: 

You build your sales empire brick by brick, and here’s where we’ll start laying the foundation. In this module, you’ll learn the key characteristics of products that sell like hotcakes and discover why the “riches are in the niches”! 

With lots of great examples of simple products that made it big, you’ll have plenty of inspiration to draw from when creating your own products. 

In this module, you’ll learn about the 4 different types of one-time offers (OTOs) you can use when crafting your sales funnel, and I’ll guide you through dozens of money making examples in lots of different niches … so you can reverse-engineer what works and craft your own irresistible OTOs and sales letters! 

Unlock the ultimate power of email marketing by building a massive list of eager prospects who can't wait to hear from you. The secret weapon to achieving this is a high-converting opt-in page with a tantalizing lead magnet that'll leave prospects begging for more, and in Module 3, you’ll get my blueprint for success … so you can start building your email list like a pro!

Get ready to unleash the power of persuasion! Learn how to build email sequences that’ll captivate your audience and skyrocket sales. Discover the secrets to crafting killer subject lines, impossible-to-ignore hooks, and engaging stories. Plus, get tips on how to structure emails for maximum impact … so you can achieve massive success with your email marketing.

Discover the secrets to dominating the Facebook and YouTube ad space! Find out how to craft engaging ad copy, establish a minimum viable version of your  campaign, and measure data to drive improvements. 

By the time you reach the end of this module, you’ll have all the tools you need to start generating high-quality traffic on demand.

Skyrocket your ad campaigns by unlocking proven strategies to measure, analyze, and optimize your data. Learn how to track the KPIs that matter and use them to make decisions that drive your business forward.

With daily spreadsheets to track metrics and cutting-edge tools to analyze data, you'll be empowered to understand your business' performance, inside and out! 

Unleash explosive revenue growth and maximize profits with this game-changing module! In it, you'll discover 2 powerful methods to boost average order value: bump offers and one-click upsells. 

Plus, you’ll learn how to master the checkout process, create irresistible bumps and upsells, constantly innovate with new offers, and keep your ads consistently profitable!

Unlock the power of A/B testing and conversion rate optimization to skyrocket your ROI. Plus, learn 3 powerful ways you can scale your best offers for even greater success. 

With exclusive insights into testing, scaling, and optimization strategies, this module delivers a proven blueprint for taking your business to the next level.

But that's not all! 

You'll also receive weekly recorded 2-hour Q&A sessions with past participants of the course. 

As a result, you'll get expert answers to the most common questions and challenges faced by others just like you … so you can learn from their experiences and avoid common pitfalls.

By the time you’ve completed the course, you’ll know exactly how to create a super successful, moneymaking sales funnel!

So, let me reveal just some of what you’ll learn in 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

In the course, you’ll discover …

  • The secret sauce to supercharging your conversions by a staggering 200-300% … so you can sit back and watch your profits skyrocket. (Lesson 8)
  • How you can take advantage of this totally overlooked, 100% incredible FREE resource … so you can create compelling lead magnets that will help you grow your email list lightning-fast. (Lesson 2)
  • How to craft engaging stories that leave your audience hanging on every word … so you can captivate your readers, build stronger relationships, and drive way more sales with email marketing! (Lesson 4)
  • How to determine who your hyperactive buyers are and the best way to take advantage of that info … so you can target prospects who are primed and ready to buy. (Lesson 1)
  • A sneaky (but ethical) tactic that the best salespeople use to get people to buy … and how to use it in your marketing, so you convert way more browsers into buyers. (Lesson 1) 
  • The #1 crucial question you MUST ask yourself as an entrepreneur … so you can build a business that doesn’t feel like work! (Lesson 2)
  • Uncover the techniques that all the best marketers use to build trust and credibility … so prospects take action on your offers like never before. (Lesson 3)
  • The secret to creating a lead magnet that delivers massive value to your prospects … without revealing so much that you risk being unable to sell your paid content! (Lesson 3)
  • Discover the 1-2 powerful punch of jabs and hooks, an email marketing strategy that will delight your prospects … so they keep reading your emails (and buying what you’re selling!), week after week. (Lesson 4)
  • The #1 regret of one of the smartest direct response marketers in the biz … so you can learn from his biggest mistake and make smart decisions about customer acquisition! (Lesson 6)
  • How to craft top-performing Facebook ads with ease using this super simple technique … that works even when you're struggling with writer’s block! (Lesson 5)
  • Discover the easy way to understand your numbers, because the surprising truth is this -- the people who scale the biggest businesses aren’t creatives, they’re the ones who “get” the math (and soon, you’ll be one of them!) (Lesson 6) 
  • A super simple trick you can use to make your product look like it’s worth more … so your prospects will happily pay a higher price. (Lesson 7)
  • The #1 mistake your competitors are making … and how you can take advantage of their missteps to catapult your business to the top! (Lesson 7)
  • The dirty little industry secret you need to know about 99% of high-ticket products on the market today … and why it’ll make you think twice before creating one. (Lesson 1)
  • And much, much more!

That’s just a sneak peek of some of what you’ll learn in the Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass — the course covers way too much to list here.


Plus, in addition to the video lessons you’ll get with the course, I’ve also included the lessons in MP3 format … so you can download and listen to the lessons on your way to work, at the gym, or even in the shower.

Who Is The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass For?

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass is for anyone who wants to create a rock-solid, highly profitable sales funnel, whether you're a newbie or a seasoned vet

It's perfect for: 

  • Entrepreneurs who want to generate more leads and sales for their business
  • Online marketers who want to improve their conversion rates and maximize their profits
  • Coaches who want to attract and convert a steady stream of dream clients
  • Business owners who want to create a more reliable and scalable source of income
  • Anyone who wants to create a sales funnel from scratch that generates massive income, year after year

If you're tired of spinning your wheels, spending all your cash on ads, and still not seeing the results you crave, then this Masterclass is for you

In it, I'll give you the step-by-step guidance, tools, and resources you need to create a kickass sales funnel that will take your online business to the next level … 

And if you don’t have a business yet? No problem!

Even if you’re just starting out, this course will teach you everything you need to know to build your sales funnel the right way … so you can save time and money, while maximizing your profits from the get-go!

So, whether you're looking to generate more leads and sales, improve your conversion rates, or create a reliable and scalable source of income, The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass is the answer to your financial freedom.

Can’t I Figure This 

Sales Funnel Stuff Out On My Own?

Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from learning how to build a better sales funnel on your own. 

However, while it can be done, I don’t recommend it.

Let me tell you why.

Marketers mess up sales funnels all the time. 

Think about it -- if they were easy to create, every business would be a million-dollar business!

Unfortunately, there are all kinds of things that can go wrong when you’re building your funnel.

For instance, you can ask for the sale too soon, create a poorly designed landing page, or put too many steps into your funnel, causing more and more prospects to drop off before they actually make a purchase.

These are things that most businesses discover by trial-and-error.

However, there’s a problem with that method—it takes time. In my case, it took 4 long, desperate years.

That’s 4 years I missed out on being a millionaire!

Which is why my course is going to be so important to you.

I already did the trial-and-error stuff for you, so you can get up-to-speed fast and start earning more money right away.

As a result, you can hire professional teammates to help you scale even faster, so you can finally fire your boss and escape the rat race, once and for all.

Since I know you’re probably chomping at the bit to do that, you might be wondering how long it will take to implement the stuff you’re learning in the course …

Here’s the good news …

You Can Enjoy Lightning-Fast Results With 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass!

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass is designed to help you see results fast. 

Each week, you'll complete one module and receive homework that'll get you moving in the right direction. 

By following the program as instructed, you can start seeing results in as little as 30 days!

That's right - in just one month, you could be well on your way to creating a sales funnel that generates $1+ million/year.

And if you’re not confident you can do that because you have time constraints, rest easy, because that’s what I want to address next.

I’m Very Busy … 

I Don’t Know If I’ll Have the Time 

To Take The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

Hey, I get it. 

You're busy, running your business or working a full-time job, maybe raising a family too. 

You don't know if you have the time to take The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass. 

But here's the thing …

The way to get more time is to complete this course and use the strategies you’ve learned to earn way more money … so you can hire help or quit your day job and focus solely on your business.

Once you do that, you’re going to have a lot more time for the things that matter most to you.

Plus, I want to reassure you that this course is self-paced. 

While I’ve suggested you complete one module each week, you can definitely take it slower if you need to. 

For instance, if you aim to complete just one module a month …

Within 1 year, you could have a thriving business that generates income while you sleep, giving you more freedom and flexibility than ever before!

So, I urge you to make the time for this course, because I know it’s the key to unlocking the freedom you've been dreaming of.

And now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I want to quickly address another concern you might have …

I’m Not Very Technical … 

Will I Be Able to Implement What I Learn in 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass?

If you're feeling intimidated by the technical side of things, let me put your mind at ease … 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass is designed to be incredibly  user-friendly, regardless of your level of technical expertise.

With its step-by-step video instructions, you'll be guided through every aspect of designing a sales funnel, from start to finish. 

And I break it down into simple, manageable steps, so you never feel overwhelmed. 

Plus, you'll get access to my resource list that shows you all the tools and tech I use in my own business … so you can easily duplicate exactly what I’m doing for your own sales funnel.

And if you ever get stuck or need extra help, I’ve included my 7-Step Blueprint for Finding the Best Hires on Fiverr in the course … so you can easily find the right person to handle any tasks that are outside your comfort zone.

Bottom line?

Even if you're not a tech wizard, you can still create a kickass, moneymaking sales funnel with this masterclass. 

And to make the process even simpler for you to do so …

You’re Also Going to Get 10 BONUS Templates … 

So You Can Easily Implement 

Everything You Learn in the Course!

(Total Retail Value: $950)

To help you get the best results with The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass, I’ve included 10 of my top-selling templates as a bonus. 

These templates are going to make it easy for you to implement everything you’re learning without investing a ton of time or effort … so you can immediately boost your ROI.

Opt-in pages typically convert at the ho-hum rate of 5-15% … yet my opt-in pages consistently convert higher than 60%! And in this expert training, I reveal all my conversion-crushing secrets, so you effortlessly and easily attract tons of new leads!

Plus, you’ll also get my 3 highest-converting opt-in templates, including one that converts a whopping 75% of cold traffic and that’s brought me 15,000+ new leads. Just imagine how much more you could sell if you had 15K new people you could market to … can you say, “money in the bank”?!!

Adding a one time offer (OTO) directly after my opt-in page completely revolutionized my business, enabling me to pay off my student loans and buy my dream house … 

In this written guide, I'll show you how to build an OTO page using my proven template, so you can get this incredible money maker set up -- in a single afternoon!

Get the 7 "fill in the blank" email templates that I've constantly been refining over the past 6 years … so you can save countless hours of writing, testing, and brainstorming. 

With this template, you can eliminate 100% of the guesswork … quickly and easily building out a full-blown email follow up sequence -- in as little as 30 minutes!

I earn an extra 6-figures every year -- just from one-click upsells! Which is why this million-dollar-generating template is amazing for improving cash flow. In it, I’ll show you how you can write a high-converting video sales letter (VSL) for your upsell page … in less than 30 minutes. 

And if you don’t want to create a video upsell, no problem! You’ll also get a super-powerful text-based upsell you can use to increase sales. No matter which upsell you choose, text or video … I suggest adding this easy moneymaker to your sales funnel -- STAT!!!

If you’re not running bump offers, you’re leaving money on the table! The Bump Offer Swipe File shows you how to get that money – by including an additional offer on your checkout page that instantly increases average order value.

Plus, I’ll take you under the hood and show you how I set up my own bump offers … and convert 30-60% of my customers into buying a second product. You’ll also view a variety of bump offers from my swipe files, so you have plenty of inspiration to draw from when creating your own offer!

Convert more customers & boost your cashflow fast with my proven sales letter template that makes me millions -- on autopilot

This workshop provides you with all the tools you need to craft a sales letter that grabs attention, builds trust, and skyrockets conversion rates … so you can write sales letters that generate income for years to come!

This comprehensive swipe file of 101+ proven Facebook ads will remove all the guesswork when it comes to crafting profitable ads on Facebook. 

With it, you’ll discover winning ad formulas and patterns that bring in sales … so you can avoid years of trial-and-error and thousands of dollars in wasted ad spend.

My team analyzed over 1,000 Facebook ads and used that research to create a 7-template system that will help you write ads faster, launch with confidence, and drive more leads and sales. 

In addition, you’ll get 2+ hours of video content that breaks down some of the most successful ads on Facebook, PLUS a companion PDF so you have an easy reference to refer back to!

The money is in the list … but how do you build a LARGE list of prospects, fast? I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars running tests trying to answer that question, and in this training, I reveal ALL the key secrets that helped me build a 175K+ email subscriber list!

Discover how to create an irresistible lead magnet, develop a relationship with your audience that’s built on trust, and publish a high-converting opt-in page online – in less than 15 minutes! By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly how to grow your email list into the tens of thousands.

If you’ve never created a video sales letter (VSL) before, the thought may seem intimidating … but it is so, so worth it because VSLs typically convert way better than text-only sales pages. And for those who are camera-shy, I’ve got great news … you can create a super-successful VSL -- without ever appearing on camera!

In this powerful template, you’ll get my easy-to-use “3 Secrets” formula for writing an engaging (high-converting!) VSL. Plus, you’ll get a PowerPoint slideshow to modify, so you waste no time on creation. With these powerful resources, you can literally create a brand-new VSL from scratch and get it online -- in less than 2 hours!

But That’s Not All!

If You Get The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass Today, 

You’ll Also Get 6 Amazing ADDITIONAL Bonuses!

(Total Value: $782)

Because I’m serious about helping you create a kickass, moneymaking sales funnel, I’ve decided to add 6 (yes, six!) additional bonuses to The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass. 

That’s 16 total course bonuses for those of you keeping count! :)

These bonuses will help you take what you’re learning to the next level … so you grow your email list, crush your conversions, and massively increase cash flow.Because I’m serious about helping you create a kickass, moneymaking sales funnel, I’ve decided to add 6 (yes, six!) additional bonuses to The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass. 

That’s 16 total course bonuses for those of you keeping count! :)

These bonuses will help you take what you’re learning to the next level … so you grow your email list, crush your conversions, and massively increase cash flow.

If you’re ready to join the ranks of the world’s most successful Facebook advertisers, you don’t want to miss this comprehensive (game-changing!) video course. 

In it, you’ll discover how you can use Dynamic Creative Optimization, an exciting strategy for maximizing reach, engagement, and conversions. Plus, you’ll also learn how to set up conversion tracking for leads and purchases with the Facebook pixel, so you maximize ROI!

I partnered with millionaire copywriter Terry Dean here to teach you everything we know about hot-selling copy, so you can master one of the most valuable skills in the world of business: the ability to create irresistible sales copy.

In the course, you’ll discover a powerful 5-step process for persuading prospects to buy, 21 formulas for creating mouthwatering bullets, and much, much more … so you can mesmerize your prospects and turn them into loyal customers who can’t wait to buy from you -- again and again!

If you’re ready to start generating more leads and sales than ever before, this eye-opening video is a must. In it, you’re going to discover how to leverage the four essential elements of effective messaging … so you can drive engagement, build trust, and close more sales.

Even better, these components can be incorporated into all of your content, including opt-in pages, sales pages, videos, emails, and more … so you’ll enjoy tons of opportunities to convert way more of your prospects into customers!

If you want to speed up the amount of time it takes to create multiple streams of income, this video is for you. In it, you’ll discover the power of affiliate marketing, while learning how you can start generating passive income with little effort.

Plus, I reveal my proven process for finding, researching, and evaluating affiliate products, so you can find the ones that convert the best with your target audience and offer the highest payouts. Ch-ching!

Ready to unlock the full potential of your business by venturing into YouTube advertising? This YouTube Ads Quickstart video series is a must-watch. In just a few short lessons, you’ll discover everything you need to know to create and launch successful YouTube ad campaigns.

With YouTube being the second largest search engine in the world, the potential for reaching new customers and driving sales is huge … making this the perfect vehicle if you’re ready to start seeing real results with YouTube advertising campaigns.

If you want to gain a HUGE competitive edge in your niche, you won’t want to miss this video! In it, I'll teach you how to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your niche, plus how to find the movers and shakers in your space … so you can get their best ideas and strategies delivered to you on a silver platter!

And the best part? Once you've learned these techniques, you'll have a giant sample of big ideas, unique mechanisms, hooks, offers, and affiliate partners to draw from, so you can grow your business fast.

I know I’ve covered a lot here today, so let me just remind you again of what’s included with my masterclass …

A Quick Recap of What’s Included 

with The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

  • The High-Converting Opt-In Page Template - $47 Value
  • The Million Dollar One Time Offer Template  - $197 Value
  • The Email Autoresponder Template - $47 Value
  • The One-Click Upsell Template - $97 Value 
  • The Bump Offer Template - $47 Value 
  • The Breakthrough Sales Letter Template - $97 Value
  • The Facebook Ads Swipe File - $27 Value
  • The Ban-Proof Facebook Ad Blueprint and Templates - $47 Value
  • Email List Growth Mastery - $297 Value
  • 3 Secrets VSL Training - $47 Value
  • Facebook Ads Quickstart 2023 Edition - $97 Value
  • The Million Dollar Copywriting Course  - $297 Value
  • Offer Mastery - $97 Value
  • The Affiliate Detective - $97 Value
  • YouTube Ads Quickstart - $97 Value
  • Market Research Like a Pro - $97 Value

Total Value = $1,732!

Now when I was creating this course, I had two options.

The first was to skimp on the value by keeping the course super-short and charging less money.

The second was to pack the course with as much valuable information as I could, so you have the absolute greatest chance of replicating my success.

I chose the second option, because I really want you to succeed.

And the best way I know to help you do that is to share with you everything I’ve learned about creating a rock-solid sales funnel over the last 20 years, so you have all the same know-how I do.

Of course, that meant I had to spend many months planning the content for this masterclass …

Creating all of the bonuses ...

Hiring an editor to make sure the course’s written content reads well ... 

And paying my layout designer to put everything neatly into our world-class learning management system.

But at the end of it all, I’m super-proud of this course -- it’s one of the most comprehensive sales funnel courses you’ll find on the market today.

It’s also the best value, because unlike those greedy gurus, I’m going to give you a really sweet deal ...

Because right now, you can …

Get The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass

AND the 16 FREE Bonuses (Total Value: $1,732)

For Just $495

That’s a 70% Discount!!!


And mind you, that’s money you’re gonna MORE than make back … once you implement what you’re learning in the course.

Plus, throw in the 16 FREE bonuses, and again, you’re also going to learn how to …

  • Add 10K+ more subscribers to your email list
  • Increase conversions 200% with my MONSTER of an OTO design
  • Create an opt-in page that converts 60% of cold traffic
  • Get new product ideas, hooks, and offers from top movers and shakers
  • Craft irresistible sales letters that generate money - on autopilot
  • Identify high-converting affiliate products with the biggest payouts
  • Reach new customers and drive sales with YouTube ad campaigns
  • Boost conversions with a VSL you can create in a single afternoon
  • Create an incredible full-blown email sequence - in under an hour 
  • Experience massive success with Facebook ads
  • Create a high-converting upsell – in less than 30 minutes
  • Get 30-60% of your customers to buy a second product
  • And much, much more!

While it’s hard to estimate the value these activities will bring to your business …

It’s at least $15,000 … and probably much, much more than that! 

Heck, even if you were only able to accomplish ONE of those bullet points, it’d be worth $2,000 minimum to your business … which would be a 400%  return on the cost of this course.

That’s like depositing $100 into the ATM -- and having it spit out $400 bucks back!

Which is why you’re getting The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass for a steal today … especially when you consider that students who took the course the first time around paid $500 MORE than what I’m asking you to pay.

Bottom line? 

The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass more than pays for itself. 

Especially, when you consider the following …

Could you earn an extra $10K, $30K or even $100K each month with this course?

Yes! It’s not just possible, it’s probable … IF you follow the step-by-step strategy I outline in the course.

Like I told you earlier, within 6 months of figuring this stuff out, my wife and I were earning $10K/month.

And within 1 year, we were making $30K/month!

That’s why earning an extra $10-50K a month or more is not unreasonable—at all.

There’s a ton of money to be made on the Internet for people who know what they’re doing—and you’ll be one of them once you take my course.

Plus, you have absolutely nothing to lose with The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass and everything to gain, because I’m offering an incredible guarantee.

Your Investment Comes With

A 6-Month 100% Money Back Guarantee!

To make your decision a no-brainer today, I've decided to give you a really generous 6-month, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee with The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass.

So, you have absolutely nothing to lose today by getting the course. 

Invest in the course today and you’ll immediately gain access to all of my sales funnel secrets, templates, and bonuses. 

I’m confident that once you see how comprehensive the training is -- and how much money it’s going to help you earn -- you’ll think your investment is worth every penny.

Even better, there’s no need to rush through the material. I’m giving you a 6-month guarantee, so you can  get through the training and implement this stuff without stress, doubt or overwhelm ...

Alright … NOW is the Time!

If you want a class that’ll take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to create a kickass million-dollar sales funnel, this is the way to do it.

But you need to act.

So, to get started, click the checkout button below, enter your details, and you’ll get immediate online access to The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass and all the bonuses.

Let me break this down for you even further. You have one of two options:

1.      Your first is to ignore this page.

Sure, you want to learn how to build a million-dollar sales funnel but you’re not sure you have the time, money, or expertise to implement what you’ll learn in the course. 

So, you keep doing what you’re doing … even though you know that if you don’t master this stuff, there’s a good chance that 6 months, 1 year, 2 years from now — your financial situation will look about the same as it does right now.


 2.    Your second option is to get The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass.

Make a small RISK-FREE investment in your future that you’ll quickly earn back, once you implement the strategies I teach in the course. Learn how to build a kickass sales funnel from someone who generates over $1 million per year, just in passive income.

Use my expert tips, tricks, and strategies, so you grow your company from a one-man shop into a juggernaut … while earning way more money in the process. 

Risk absolutely nothing because if you try the course and all the templates, bonus videos, and extra resources I’ve provided, and you don’t get the results you hoped for … 

I’ll give you a full refund up to 6 months from today’s date—no questions asked.

Thanks for your time today … I can’t wait to hear about the results you get with your sales funnel!

Miles "The Helpful Marketer" Beckler

PS  Learning how to create a kickass sales funnel is probably the easiest way for you to become a millionaire. 

While I’m not saying The Sales Funnel Secrets Masterclass will do that for you (although it might), I do know that it’s the fastest way to take you one step closer toward that goal. But you have to act now, because this deal won’t be around forever...