What If It Took You Mere Hours To Whip Up An Email Autoresponder Series That Flips New Subs Into Happy Customers?

Rather than spending weeks racking your brain about:

How to plan your autoresponder series…

How many emails you should do...

What to say in each email...

How to start your email series...

When to introduce your offer etc...

Only to suddenly freeze when a blank white page pops up on your screen.

Well, you can now flip new email subscribers into happy customers.

And get them to feel as if they've known you for ages, like you, and trust you enough to buy from you…

Without spending weeks painfully writing, deleting and rewriting your drafts.

Or paying a slick-tongued copywriter who promises the best copy ever…but turns in another dumb piece of work.

How's this possible?

The Truth: I've Already Written Your Autoresponder Series For You

Assuming you don't know me, I'm Miles Beckler -- a businessman who's been in the online marketing world for [no.] of years.

But the important thing is, email marketing is the centrepiece of my entire business.

It's responsible for 80% of my yearly business revenue which runs into seven figures.

In the past four years alone, I've personally written and sent out 935 emails to my list of over 14,000 marketers.

I've tested subject lines to boost open rates...rewritten hundreds of emails to boost my click-throughs...and done all kinds of experiments to increase email revenue.

Point is, I live and breathe emails because without them, my business would go -- poof!

And recently, I called on 6 years of email marketing experience to design an easy-to-follow, simple-to-personalize template for writing your own autoresponder series.

Why did I do this?

Because a big part of my email marketing success was understanding this simple truth:

You live or die by the first impression you give new subscribers

Listen, when people join your list, they're curious about you. They've got loads of questions bubbling up in their minds. They're unsure about your business.

So if you're going to turn them into customers who buy now and in the future, you need to make an outstanding first impression.

And the best way to do this is with your autoresponder series.

In other words, the initial emails subscribers receive before you move them to regular broadcast. 

But unfortunately, many who jump on email marketing get stuck here.

Great thing is, that doesn't have to be you.

Because right now, you can have your own personalized autoresponder series in just a few hours, thanks to the autoresponder template you're about to see.

And in so doing, you never have to bother about:

How to plan your autoresponder series…

How many emails you should do...

What to say in each email...

How to start your email series...

When to introduce your offer etc…

Instead, you start squeezing out more sales, higher engagement and a better relationship with your list.

The Email Autoresponder Template

This packs 7 email templates that give you the perfect autoresponder sequence for nurturing new subs, resolving common objections and compelling readers to buy your stuff.

Even better…

Whether you're selling digital products, physical products, or consulting services, it's designed to let you personalize the emails for your audience.

Which means no matter how many people get this, you don't have to worry about your emails looking or sounding like someone else's. 

What's more…

Unlike spending days or weeks on an email copywriting course, this template is built for speed.

All it takes is mere hours to whip up your email series and start sending them out.

As I said, there are 7 emails in this autoresponder template.

And each email packs 3-7 subject lines that help you stand out in the inbox. 

(And of course, you're free to split-test these subject lines if you like)

Most importantly...

Each email addresses a critical step in the journey of transforming new subs from people who know almost nothing about your business to happy customers.

Here's a sneak preview of the 7 emails you'll find inside the template...

Email 1: the welcome email

This is by far the most important email you'll ever send. It sets the tempo for your relationship with new subs.

Believe it or not, it doesn't matter what you're selling -- this email is a must have.

Because if you nail it, it gives new subs a great first impression about your business, and gets them excited for future emails.

This email packs tested 3 subject lines you can choose from.

Email 2: share your big idea

When people join your list, they're naturally curious about you.

Now, this email is all about selling them on what makes you different. And why they can trust you to deliver the results they desire. 

With this email, you can share your big idea using the best sales format: storytelling.

It works well if you're selling physical or digital products.

Email 3: the "how to" problem solver

One embarrassing mistake many email marketers make is rushing into the sale before new subs are ready.

But with this single email, you can groom your new subs for the sale by delivering value first.

And then, blend promotion into your content, so subscribers happily buy from you.

Email 4: case study

Trust is a crucial element in getting anyone to buy from you. 

And one of the easiest ways to build trust with potential customers is to resolve objections they have about you.

When you do this, the chances of people buying from you drastically shoots up.

So this email acts as a "trust builder" by showing you how to bake proof into your marketing.

Email 5: direct offer

In my experience, there are 3 different types of people who buy from you.

And in order to make maximum sales, you need to target all three types of people with your offer.

Luckily, this offer email lets you speak to all three types of people, and deliver a compelling message that sparks them into action...without sounding fake or salesy.

Email 6: remove skepticism and objections

Rather than jump into another sales pitch, this email addresses a specific objection that arises after you've made your offer in email 5.

Best part, this email transitions from objection handling to a sales pitch. So you can remind readers about your offer.

Email 7: last chance promo

You might have heard, or maybe you haven't...but truth is, the most sales are made on the last day of your email promo.

In other words, how well your promo performs partly depends on the quality of your last email.

With this email, you can send a message that snaps fence sitters out of indecision, and instantly nudges them to action.

So how much does the email autoresponder template cost?

I know how powerful having an autoresponder series can be for your email marketing game.

And I want you to experience it firsthand in your business, without spending a fortune.

My hope is that you'll write me someday excitedly sharing how much this product has helped you.

That's why I'm pricing it at $27 only.

At this price, you can simply pull the trigger on this purchase right now.

Rather than spending weeks saving money (and losing time) or borrowing (which can be embarrassing) to buy this product. 

So if you've read this far, and you think this template can make life and business easier for you, tap the button below to grab it.

Grab The Email Autoresponder Template for $27

If you're sitting on the fence for any reason, know this:.

You can test the email autoresponder template at no financial risk for 60-days

There's no doubt in my mind that you'll love this template. 

When you grab it, go ahead and whip up your personalized autoresponder series. Then turn it on.

You've got 60-days to watch for results.

If you're not blown away by the result from this template, just contact my support team at: support@socialadclass.com within same 60 days for a full refund.

So don't wait any longer…

To your email marketing success,

Miles Beckler